Cars for Sale Philippines in Iloilo

As of January 23, 2025, there are 4 New and Used cars available for sale in the Philippines on Among these listi

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ngs, the most affordable model is the Hyundai Grand Starex, with 1 unit listed at ₱1,300,000, while the most expensive model is the Ford Mustang, with 1 unit listed at ₱3,000,000. When it comes to body type, we have 2 Convertible, 1 Van, and 1 SUV. Explore great deals offered by our certified sellers around the Philippines partnered with

Price List of New and Used Cars at

cars for Sale Units Price Range
Hyundai Grand Starex for Sale 1 ₱1,300,000 - ₱1,300,000
BYD S6 for Sale 1 ₱2,348,999 - ₱2,348,999
Mercedes-Benz CLA-Class for Sale 1 ₱3,000,000 - ₱3,000,000
Ford Mustang for Sale 1 ₱3,000,000 - ₱3,000,000

FAQs on Cars for Sale

Popular car brands in the Philippines include Toyota, Honda, Mitsubishi, Nissan, Ford, Isuzu, and Hyundai, among others.
You can find cars for sale in the Philippines through various channels, including dealerships, online classified websites such as, social media platforms, and car auctions.
To buy a car, you typically need a valid ID, proof of income, proof of address, and a TIN (Tax Identification Number) in the Philippines. You may also need additional documents like a Certificate of Employment (COE) or a business permit if you're self-employed.
No, you don't need a driver's license to buy a car, but you will need one to drive it legally. It's a common practice for buyers to secure a license before purchasing a car.
You can check the history of a used car in the Philippines by obtaining a copy of its comprehensive vehicle history report from a reputable provider. This report typically includes information on accidents, ownership history, and more.
The choice between a new and used car depends on your budget and preferences. New cars come with warranties and the latest features but are more expensive, while used cars are more affordable but may require more maintenance.
The average price of a new car in the Philippines can vary widely depending on the make, model, and features. It can range from around ₱500,000 for smaller economy cars to several million pesos for luxury and high-end models.
Yes, there are financing options such as car loans and lease-to-own arrangements available from banks and financial institutions. Dealerships may also offer their own financing options.
To transfer ownership of a used car, both the buyer and seller must go to the Land Transportation Office (LTO) to complete the necessary paperwork. This includes the Deed of Sale, original Certificate of Registration, and other required documents.
When inspecting a used car, check for signs of accidents or damage, review the maintenance records, inspect the engine, tires, brakes, and suspension, and take it for a test drive. It's also a good idea to have a trusted mechanic perform a thorough inspection.